Etiquette and Rules of Conduct

The Dojang is a place to learn both taekwondo techniques and mental discipline. Members of the club play a key role in helping each other to grow both physically and mentally. It is thus critically important that members of the club show respect for each other.

Members of the club should take pride in how they conduct themselves both while in the Dojang and in their daily activities.

The classroom setting is not the place for uncontrolled aggression or mean-spirited behavior. It is our goal for everyone to feel respected and complete each class safely.

Rules of Conduct

  1. Show respect and courtesy to your classmates.
  2. Minimize disruptions to the class environment.
  3. Control should always come before power or speed.
  4. Make light contact while sparring and always follow instructor directions.
  5. Try new things with cautious consideration.
  6. Keep your mind focused on the task at hand.
  7. Finger and toe nails should be trimmed.
  8. No jewelry should be worn without permission.
  9. If you are injured, notify the instructor immediately.
  10. Please exercise restraint if demonstrating Taekwondo moves outside of the Dojang.


As you become a member of the Dojang, you will begin to see the importance of proper etiquette in the training process. Below is a list of basic etiquette rules to be followed in the Dojang:

  1. Bow to the mat and teammates when entering or leaving the Dojang.
  2. At the beginning of class students stand in a circle to begin warmups.
  3. Address the instructor as 'Sir' or 'Ma'am' during class.
  4. If you have a question, wait for an appropriate moment to ask politely. Do not interrupt if someone is speaking.
  5. If coming late to class, you should wait for the permission of the instructor to enter the Dojang. Sit quietly at the side, raise your hand, and wait for the instructor to see you.
  6. Members should help keep the Dojang clean. All personal belongings should be kept out of the training area. Every student is responsible for his/her own valuables.
  7. If it should be necessary for a student to leave the Dojang before the class is over, please notify the instructor.
  8. Outside of class, it is not asked that students address instructors or black belts formally but they should still be shown respect.
  9. Keep your uniform clean and in good repair. When adjusting your uniform in class you should turn away from others.
  10. Treat your belt with the same respect that you would a flag. Do not allow it to become soiled or damaged.